Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How does your garden grow?

Mine is sort of "wild." lately.... ok, it's always been wild. As in unruly, as in unkempt, as in not maintained... as in I didn't really plan this out very well, planted too many seeds, had too many seedlings and just stuck them in the ground and said, "ok, lets see what happens."  A few got stuck in the green buckets.... Well here's what has happened.

The plants in the ground are growing quite nicely - Peas

Two kinds of squash

And potatoes

The ones in the buckets, well, they're sort of doing ok...

I think too many plants and not enough soil to hold the water has caused the peas to do this:

The squash are just, well... ok

The cherry tomatoes are doing well, looks like we'll have LOTS of them as well as the red "Patio" variety.

The Strawberries keep getting picked off by the dang blackbirds.... I see them get red, one at a time, and then they're just GONE. Oh well....

All in all this has been a good learning experience.... Next year will bring bigger areas up front in which I'll be planting MORE plants and more variety... I just need to figure out how to keep those birds away!

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